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unconditional guaranteeの例文


  • Every site except Freshflowersource . com advertises an unconditional guarantee.
  • No draft choice comes with absolutely unconditional guarantees, of course.
  • Since 1991, QuikTrip has promoted its gasoline as " high-quality " with an unconditional guarantee.
  • The company offers a 30-day unconditional guarantee.
  • The return policies varied between companies, but most have a 30-day " unconditional guarantee " return-refund-exchange policy.
  • His backcountry experience was also a key component in his offering an unconditional guarantee on everything he sold.
  • And while neither Christie's nor its competitors offer unconditional guarantees, they generally do allow buyers to return wines that have been damaged.
  • As John Sexton & Co . grew, the Sexton name became synonymous with quality products, fair dealings, uniform consistent food quality and unconditional guarantee.
  • Yale says in the suit the oil-rich nation did not live up to " unconditional guarantee " to pay for eight months of first-class medical care.
  • Certain directors signed circular resolutions giving two irrevocable and unconditional guarantees to third parties as consideration for share margin trading facilities granted to a subsidiary company.
  • Certain Perstima directors also signed resolutions giving two irrevocable and unconditional guarantees to third parties as consideration for share margin trading facilities granted to a subsidiary company.
  • As these " countries have failed to honor their unconditional guarantees, it has become necessary for the UNHCR to arrange for their return to Vietnam, " the statement said.
  • As word spread of Sexton s quality products, fair dealings and unconditional guarantee, restaurant and hotel customers came to the Sexton retail stores to buy spices, tea and coffee.
  • All the online retailers I visited had acceptable return policies, ranging from 30 days at sites like MaternityMall . com to " unconditional guaranteed satisfaction " at Garnet Hill.
  • We asked for an unconditional guarantee from both companies that all proceeds and profits from the videos would go to the ( Diana, Princess of Wales ) Memorial Fund.
  • Jonathan Crary describes Ehrenfels'assertions within the modern problem of form as the attempt to formulate " laws " that would give to perception a semblance of the same unconditional guarantees that vision had had within the classical regime of visuality.
  • Bank Indonesia's monetary targets were consistently exceeded by a high margin . When the boom-associated bubble burst, the very existence of commercial banks was threatened, forcing the government to issue a basically unconditional guarantee in favor creditors of all locally chartered banks.
  • Designed and constructed in Seattle, the products were field-tested both in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest and in cold-storage lockers in downtown Seattle to ensure they would stand up to their unconditional guarantee, and to the company s claim, " Built for service you ll never require ."
  • If unconditional guarantees of security are needed, and if it is impractical for the communicating parties to arrange to share a secret that can be used in a Carter Wegman MAC, this technique might one day be faster than classical techniques given a quantum computer with 5 to 10 qubits.